[Video] Alagbara – John Omosuyi Ft. Adedayo Sekere

John Omosuyi, a passionate supporter of Christian music that is in harmony with the written Word of God and represents Christ in a New Creation, has released his most recent single, “ALAGBARA,” which features Adedayo Sekere.Omosuyi considers the biblical truth expressed in John 1:14, where the Word is identified as Jesus, the very essence uttered by God to bring forth creation, including people. Omosuyi draws inspiration from his deeply held belief in the transformative power of God’s Word. “Alagbara (The Powerful One)” was born out of a deep realization of the influence and power of God’s Word on reality. “Alagbara” is a song that Omosuyi recounts that was inspired by a revelation of the power of God’s Word, which she experienced many years ago. The song started to connect with him as he engaged himself in the New Creation Message, exploring the deep realities of Christ’s work and the identity of believers in Him.He continues, “My Spirit began singing the song dropped in it by the Holy Spirit until my mouth opened up and it became audible while listening to the New Creation Message about Christ and all He has done for us.” Years later, Omosuyi works with Adedayo Sekere to make “Alagbara” a reality, which enables its potent message to be seen by more people. Additionally accessible on John Omosuyi’s official YouTube account is the music video for “Alagbara.” John Omosuyi is a minister of worship music for the New Creation who is committed to writing music that is in harmony with the written Word and acts as a potent vehicle for revealing Christ to a New Creation. Omosuyi aspires to change people’s lives and lead his audience to a greater realization of who they are in Christ via his ministry. Watch the video below.

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Moments Of Faith Daily Devotional 09 March 2024 by Prophet Frank Udoh

Title: Be Still and Know. Scripture Reading: Psalm 46:10 (NIV) – “He says, ‘Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.’” MESSAGE:God urges us to take a moment to cease, be still, and recognize His dominion among the hustle and bustle of life. God’s omnipotence and our need to put our trust in Him are powerfully emphasized by the words “Be still and know that I am God” from Psalm 46:10. This devotional will discuss the importance of creating a calm environment in our life and feeling the serenity that comes from knowing God. Reflection: Reflect on the words of Psalm 46:10 and consider what it means to “be still” in the presence of God. In a world filled with noise and distractions, stillness can be challenging to attain, yet it is essential for our spiritual well-being. Being still involves quieting our minds, surrendering our worries, and resting in the assurance of God’s sovereignty and love. We make room in our life for God to speak to us, console us, and give us new strength when we purposefully carve out times of silence. We experience unfathomable serenity in the stillness of His presence—a peace that keeps our hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). We may let go of our worries and problems when we lie down in God’s presence because we know that He is in charge and that He will never abandon us. The instruction to “be still” calls for an active faith in God’s omnipotence rather than a passive one. It entails giving up our desire to influence events and submitting to God’s ideal plan and timing. Even in the face of uncertainty and adversity, we may have faith that He is working everything out for our good and His glory because we recognize His greatness and majesty. It’s not always simple to be still, particularly in a society that prizes activity and output. However, practicing quiet is a spiritual practice that can fortify our faith and enhance our relationship with God. Making time for prayer, meditation, or just spending time in God’s company a priority puts us in a position to hear from God and accept His direction for our life. Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to embrace the discipline of stillness and to find peace in your presence. Teach us to quiet our hearts and minds amidst the noise of life, so that we may know you more deeply and trust in your sovereignty. May we rest in the assurance of your love and faithfulness, knowing that you are always with us. In Jesus’ name, amen. Further Reading: Psalm 62:5-8 – “My soul, wait silently for God alone”Isaiah 30:15 – “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.”May this devotional on “Be Still and Know” encourage you to prioritize stillness in your relationship with God and experience the peace that comes from trusting in His sovereignty. May you find rest and renewal in His presence, knowing that He is always with you, guiding and sustaining you each step of the way.

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[Free Download] Ijay – Alright

Nigerian musician, singer songwriter and dancer, IJAY has released a brand new single titled “ALRIGHT”. It’s always a welcome discovery in the constantly changing world of music to hear a song that not only makes you smile, but also strikes a deep chord with listeners. “Alright” by IJAY is a musical journey that conveys a powerful message about pursuing achievement without sacrificing contentment and groundedness. It is one of these gems. “Alright” is essentially an anthem for people who are working hard to achieve their goals, capturing the spirit of pursuing wealth. IJAY’s silky voice and the track’s catchy beat combine to produce an enticing groove that draws you in from the first note. As the song progresses, it becomes clear that it’s a story about perseverance, tenacity, and the unwavering quest of excellence rather than just a catchy music. Thematic depth is one of “Alright”‘s most compelling features. IJAY adopts a more contemplative stance, exploring the emotional journey that lies behind the quest of money and recognition, in contrast to many other songs in the genre that just highlight the flash and glamour of success. The song’s lyrics vividly depict the hardships and sacrifices involved in pursuing financial security, yet they are balanced out with a constant sense of hope and confidence. Furthermore, “Alright” is a welcome reminder of how crucial it is to have perspective in the middle of the turbulence that is the quest of achievement. IJAY’s message is a breath of fresh air in a society where acquiring material items is sometimes mistaken for happiness. Instead, true contentment comes from the journey itself. It’s an exhortation to welcome the highs and lows, to rejoice in the wins, and to take comfort in the knowing that, in the end, all will work out for the best. In summary, IJAY’s song “Alright” is more than simply a song; it’s a celebration of striving for achievement, a monument to the human spirit’s tenacity, and a reminder that we are capable of overcoming any challenges that may arise. Turn up the music, let it carry you away, and enjoy the path to greatness because, in the end, everything will work out. STREAM & DOWNLOAD…..

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Christabel Eluu

Christabel Eluu – “Yes Lord” | @Eluuchristabel |

Nigerian musician, singer songwriter and drama minister, Christabel Eluu has released a brand new single titled “Yes Lord”. Real name Christabel Uchenna Eluu but famously known as Christabel Eluu, hails from Afikpo North, Ebonyi state. Christabel’s passion for music started from her Early age. “Yes Lord” is a song to remind us to answer the clarion call of God. Noah said YES when God asked him to build the ark. Abraham said YES when God asked him to sacrifice his only son. Joseph said YES when God asked him to forgive his brothers who beat and sold him into slavery. The good news is that none of these persons regretted saying YES to God. Are you ready to say YES to God? Christabel released her first album ’That same Jesus’ on February 2019. Her single ‘Imela’ was released 2022. Stream & Download…… STREAM MP3

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Moments of faith daily devotional 08 March 2024 by Prophet Frank Udoh

Title: Divine Encounter. Message: Throughout Scripture, we see accounts of people who had profound encounters with God that transformed their lives. From Moses encountering God in the burning bush to Jacob wrestling with the angel, these divine encounters often marked pivotal moments in the lives of those who experienced them. In this devotional, titled “Divine Encounter,” let’s explore the significance of encountering God’s presence in our everyday lives and the transformation it brings. Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-6 (NIV) – “Now Moses was tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian, and he led the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. There the angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. Moses saw that though the bush was on fire it did not burn up. So Moses thought, ‘I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up.’ When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, ‘Moses! Moses!’ And Moses said, ‘Here I am.’ ‘Do not come any closer,’ God said. ‘Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.’ Then he said, ‘I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.’ At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.” Reflection: Reflect on the encounter between Moses and God at the burning bush in Exodus 3. Despite Moses’ initial hesitation and fear, God revealed Himself to Moses in a powerful way, calling him to a significant purpose and mission. This encounter marked the beginning of a transformative journey for Moses, as he was commissioned to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. Like Moses, we are invited to encounter God’s presence in our everyday lives. Though we may not experience a burning bush, God often reveals Himself to us through His Word, prayer, worship, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit. These divine encounters have the power to transform our perspectives, renew our minds, and set us on a path of purpose and obedience to God’s will. Just as God instructed Moses to remove his sandals because the ground he was standing on was holy, we are called to recognize and reverence the sacred moments when God’s presence intersects with our lives. Whether in times of worship, prayer, or quiet reflection, may we approach these moments with humility, reverence, and awe, knowing that we are standing on holy ground in the presence of the Almighty God As we encounter God’s presence, may we be willing to respond in obedience, just as Moses did. God often reveals His will and purposes to us in these moments, calling us to step out in faith and trust Him with the outcome. Whether it’s a call to serve, to forgive, or to step into a new season, may we have the courage to obey God’s leading and trust that He will equip us for the journey ahead. Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for the privilege of encountering your presence in our lives. Help us to be attentive to your voice and sensitive to your leading. May we approach every divine encounter with reverence and awe, knowing that we are standing on holy ground. Give us the courage to obey your call and step into the purposes you have for us. In Jesus’ name, amen. Further Reading: Genesis 28:10-22 – Jacob’s encounter with God at BethelActs 9:1-19 – Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to DamascusMay this devotional on “Divine Encounter” inspire you to seek God’s presence in your everyday life and to respond obediently to His leading. May you experience transformative encounters with God that deepen your faith, strengthen your relationship with Him, and propel you into the purposes He has for you.

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[Free Download] Chisom Christian – Chioma

Next rated Nigerian gospel singer, Chisom Christian is out with another hit song titled “Chioma” In his word: Chioma is a song of Gratitude and thanksgiving Speaking of Gods greatness and manifestations in our lives Chisom Christian is a music minister who hails from imo state But based in port-harcourt His the Writer and composer of the song chioma Featuring his team D praise Ambassadors This song is a blessing Stream and download below… Watch Video Here…

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Minister GUC – Eyes On Jesus

Minister GUC – Eyes On Jesus

“Eyes On Jesus,” the newest single by Minister GUC, is a powerful anthem of faith. With his powerful vocals and poignant messages, Minister GUC—real name: Gift Ugochukwu Christopher—has been progressively making a name for himself in the gospel music industry. His earlier albums have received a great deal of praise, and he has a devoted following that looks forward to his next release every time. Minister GUC further demonstrates his skill as a songwriter and worship leader with “Eyes On Jesus.” The song serves as a powerful reminder of how crucial it is to maintain our focus on Jesus in the face of life’s difficulties and storms. Minister GUC asks listeners to firmly root their hope in the unwavering love and fidelity of Christ via moving lyrics and entrancing music. “Eyes On Jesus” by Minister GUC is proof of both the eternal validity of God’s word and the transformational power of music. The hymn inspires believers to focus on Jesus, the founder and exemplar of our faith, with its powerful lyrics and enduring melody. May we be reminded of our unwavering hope in Christ alone as we listen and worship. Video: Minister GUC – Eyes On Jesus

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You Are The Light – Min. Awini James Ororo

Talented Ghanaian gospel music minister Awini James Ororo unveiled his brand new song title “You Are The Light” In the midst of a stirring revival at Bawku Central Assembly of God, amidst fervent prayers and soul-stirring worship, a divine message broke through the heavens. As the congregation sought the face of the Almighty, a revelation was bestowed upon Min. Awini James Ororo, a message straight from the heart of God: “No more delay in your lives.” From this sacred encounter was birthed a powerful prophetic anthem, “You Are the Light,” a song that serves not only as a guide but as a beacon of hope and assurance for believers everywhere. In the lyrics of “You Are the Light,” we find a profound declaration of faith and an affirmation of God’s unwavering presence in our lives. The song resonates with the essence of divine illumination, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, His light shines brightly to guide our way. As the melodies soar and the lyrics echo, we are reminded of the promises of God, that His timing is perfect and His plans are unfailing. Through the inspired words of Min. Awini James Ororo, we are invited to embrace the truth that there is no delay in God’s divine agenda for our lives. Every step we take is ordained by His grace, and every obstacle we face is overcome by His power. “You Are the Light” serves as more than just a song; it is a divine decree, a proclamation of victory over every delay, setback, and obstacle that seeks to hinder our progress. It is a reminder that in Christ, we are more than conquerors, and through His light, we are empowered to walk in victory. As we listen to the stirring melodies and immerse ourselves in the powerful lyrics of “You Are the Light,” may we be reminded of the profound truth that we are children of the light, called to shine brightly in a world that often finds itself shrouded in darkness. Let this song be a source of encouragement and strength, a reminder that no matter what challenges we may face, we serve a God who is faithful to His promises and mighty to save. Let us lift our voices in praise and adoration, for He alone is our light and our salvation. In conclusion, “You Are the Light” by Min. Awini James Ororo stands as a testament to the power of divine inspiration and the transformative impact of prophetic revelation. May this song continue to illuminate our hearts and minds, guiding us ever closer to the radiant presence of our Heavenly Father. Stream and download below…

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Breaking: On February 23, 2024, Moses Bliss will release his highly anticipated EP, “Love Testament.”

On Friday, February 23, 2024, Moses Bliss, a well-known gospel musician, will release his most recent EP, “Love Testament,” which is sure to wow listeners once more. Through Bliss’s soul-stirring music, the EP promises to communicate a strong message of love, faith, and hope. With anticipation for Bliss’s trademark mix of inspirational songs and poignant lyrics, fans have been waiting impatiently for this release. Moses Bliss has made a name for himself in the gospel music industry with singles like “Too Faithful” and “You I Live For.” He has received critical praise and touched people’s hearts all around the world. “Love Testament” is anticipated to demonstrate Bliss’s breadth as a musician and her profound spirituality, providing listeners with a very moving experience. The EP, which features upbeat choruses and soaring ballads, is sure to appeal to listeners of all ages. Moses Bliss revealed his delight ahead of the release, saying, “I am thrilled to share this new music with my fans.” “Love Testament” is an ode to God’s faithfulness and the strength of love. I’m hoping it will encourage and raise everyone who hears it. Fans will be able to listen to Bliss’s music whenever and wherever they choose thanks to the EP’s availability on all major streaming services, including Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube Music. On February 23, 2024, Moses Bliss’s highly anticipated EP “Love Testament” will be released. Don’t miss it, and get ready to be impacted by the music’s transformative power. Keep checking back for additional information, and don’t forget to mark your calendars for this unique musical event.

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