The Generation That Seeks God Submit"

A Powerful Encounter Awaits: Big City Global Ministry present “The Generation That Seeks God Submit”

Are you ready to experience the miraculous power of God? Big City Global Ministry invites you to a life-transforming outreach program, “The Generation That Seeks God Submit,” with the inspiring theme, “I Believe in Miracles.” This four-day event promises to be an unforgettable encounter with God, where lives will be changed, hearts will be healed, and miracles will unfold. Event Details: Meet the Ministers: This powerful program will feature a lineup of anointed ministers, each bringing a unique and profound gift to the altar: Special Features: Why You Should Attend: In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, this outreach program is a beacon of hope and faith. Whether you are seeking a miracle, longing for a deeper connection with God, or simply looking for a place to worship and grow in faith, this event is for you. The theme, “I Believe in Miracles,” is a declaration of faith, reminding us that nothing is impossible with God. The atmosphere will be charged with the presence of God, and we believe that everyone who attends will leave with their lives transformed. Come with an open heart and expect the miraculous. Join Us: We invite you to be a part of this powerful move of God at Big City Global Ministry. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors. Let’s seek God together and witness His miraculous power at work. For more information or inquiries, please call +2347036816073. We can’t wait to see you there!

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Miracle and Worship Night: A Divine Encounter Awaited

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, Get ready to experience the extraordinary, as the Big City Global Ministry invites you to a Miracle and Worship Night on the 23rd of February 2024 at 7 PM. Gather with us at No. 30 Uqua Road, Eket, Akwa Ibom State, as we embark on a journey of faith, praise, and divine intervention. This evening promises to be nothing short of miraculous, as we come together to lift our voices in worship and witness the power of God manifest in our midst. Hosted by the esteemed Evangelist Ubong Ifiok, this event is set to be a catalyst for spiritual transformation and renewal. Joining us for this special occasion are anointed ministers of the gospel: Min. Mercy Solomon, Min. Ek Isaiah, Min. Eshiet Daniel, and Min. Williams Williams. These gifted servants of God will lead us in anointed worship and impartation, ushering in an atmosphere of divine presence and supernatural manifestations. As we gather in unity and expectation, we anticipate miracles, signs, and wonders to take place. Let faith arise in your heart as we come before the throne of grace, believing for breakthroughs, healing, deliverance, and restoration. Whether you are in need of physical healing, emotional healing, or a breakthrough in any area of your life, this Miracle and Worship Night is for you. Come with expectancy, come with faith, and come ready to encounter the power of God in a profound way. Don’t miss out on this divine appointment. Mark your calendars for the 23rd of February 2024 at 7 PM and make your way to Big City Global Ministry. Invite your friends, family, and loved ones to join us for an unforgettable night of miracles and worship. We look forward to seeing you there, as together, we experience the miraculous hand of God in our midst. In His Service,Mercy Solomon/ Big City Global Ministry.

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